Wednesday, April 3, 2019

An Giang University calls for enrollment in the Masters programs

An Giang University calls for enrollment in the Masters programs in 2018 as follows:

Majors: Educational Management, Environmental and Natural Resources Management.

I knelt down And prayed so that Ceec will not win, since she's not my friend, i prayed instead Let miracle Win, Alex reveals 


During the reunion show, Alex revealed that there's something she never told anyone since they came out of the house, and that's the fact that she didn't like ceec while they were at the house, she went further to reveal that, during the final day of the show, when they evicted her, she knelt down and prayed to God that Ceec shouldn't win, instead let miracle win, cos she's not her friend...
What do you guys think about this her Prayer???

Read also👇
Time for receiving, processing applications, entrance examination:

– Releasing and receiving applications duration: From the enrollment  announcement to the end of Octorber 19th, 2018.

– Entrance examination duration: November, 2018.

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