Saturday, April 13, 2019

UK government eases student visa rules for international graduates

New plans formalised by the UK government have revealed that international students who have completed a bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD in the UK will be allowed to stay in the country longer after completion of their programme.

Students who have finished an undergraduate or postgraduate degree and wish to stay on in the UK to work now have six months post-study leave, while PhD leavers will have 12 months.

“I have performed more miracles than Jesus Christ” – Pastor Obinim boasts

Infamous cleric, Bishop Daniel Obinim has once again made a statement that has stirred controversy among his followers and critics alike.

The founder and leader of International God’s Way Church, says he has performed lots of angelic and spiritual things that are mind bubbling that beats what Jesus Christ and all the prophets did in the Bible.

Bishop Obinim who was giving a sermon at the Tema branch of his church revealed that Jesus Christ only transformed himself three times and He(Jesus) said his followers will do more than he did because his life was short lived on Earth.

The controversial man of God emphasized that no Prophet in the Bible has done miraculous things that he has been able to do because they all had different directions or path.

In his words ;

“Jesus said ‘the Miracles am performing, the wonders and the signs; Those who believe in me, you can perform more than that’.Jesus was making reference to this that he didn’t have enough time so he curtailed his time. He worked for about 3 and a half years then he left but those of us now we have more time. I Angel Obinim, I have worked for so many years more than that of my father and the miracles, the angelic performances, the wonders and signs that I have performed; they are countless because I have enough time.”

Read also👇👇
Vivienne Stern, director of Universities UK International, said: “UK universities would be pleased to see the announcement clearly recognises the important contributions that international students make to the country. Allowing graduates to stay on for longer to find work in the UK sends the message that international students are welcome here, and we value the skills they bring.”

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