Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Oxford university becomes world leader in fields of Computer Science and Engineering

The University of Oxford has become the first UK university to top Times Higher Education’s computer science and engineering subject rankings.

The Oxbridge university overtook three US universities, known for their strengths in the fields of technology, due to improved scores in teaching environment, graduate income, research environment and international outlook.

Apostle Johnson Suleman reportedly resurrects a dead boy (video)
A video showing Omega Fire Ministries Leader Apostle Johnson Suleman resurrecting a boy who was brought dead to church has emerged.

The Pastor can be heard calling the family of the boy to bring him forward to him

As soon as the boy was brought forward, Apostle Johnson Suleiman shouted for the boy to come back to life.

After the shout from the clergy man, the boy could be seen blinking which indicated he was back to life.
See video below

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Professor Peter Jeavons, Professor of Computer Science and Head of Department at Oxford, said: ‘The whole department is absolutely delighted by this news. It’s testament to a lot of hard work on the part of our staff and students. We’re looking forward to broadening our outlook further to allow future generations to benefit from Oxford’s world-leading teaching and research in Computer Science.’

Oxford is one of the toughest universities in the world to secure an offer from, but we can help with expert application advice, support and interview practice using the Oxbridge Service. Arrange your free consultation to get started.

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