Friday, April 12, 2019

Nottingham university named most sustainable university in the

The University of Nottingham has been named as the most sustainable university in the UK by the 2018 UI GreenMetric World University Rankings.

Carbon emissions have reduced by 31% since 2009/10 at Nottingham, whilst the total floor area of buildings has increased. In the future, Nottingham's strategy aims for sustainability at an institution-wide level across a range of operational areas including waste and recycling; energy and water; travel and transport; teaching and learning; research; and corporate governance.

#UbiFranklin impregnates his staff, now expecting his 3rd child from the 3rd woman

Nigerian music executive and serial entrepreneur, Ubi Franklin, is expecting a baby boy from a South African lady, Nicola Siyo, who insisted on keeping the pregnancy despite the fact that he was opposed to it. .
Nicola got pregnant for him while working as the Head, Corporate Communications of one of Ubi’s recently launched startups. She had her baby shower on the 30th of March, 2019, and should be delivered of the baby any moment from now.

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Other sustainable UK universities in the top ten of the global ranking include the University of Oxford (4th), Nottingham Trent University (5th) and Bangor University (8th). The UI GreenMetric uses six indicators to rank the universities: setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation and education.

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